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WAAPA’s extraordinary array of concerts and performances afford our students first-hand experience in the processes and discipline required to perform live on stage.

Our aim is to ensure that these talented young people graduate as industry-ready practitioners, fully equipped to launch their professional careers beyond WAAPA. Having a supportive audience on the other side of the stage lights is essential to this goal, and all of us at WAAPA are hugely grateful for your contribution in helping to prepare our students as they develop and enhance their abilities and confidence.

Whether it’s music concerts, acting, dance, music theatre and performance-making shows, I very much look forward to seeing you there.

Professor David Shirley, Executive Dean WAAPA

Box Office and booking information

The WAAPA Box Office is located in the upper foyer of Building 1 of the ECU Mount Lawley Campus.

New Box Office opening hours from 10 February 2025
Monday - Friday
10.00am - 12.00pm, 12.30pm - 3.00pm.

Phone bookings
Call (61 8) 6304 6895 for credit card bookings during opening hours.

Online bookings
Online ticket sales are available 24/7.


See individual performance pages for more details.


For more information about our performances and venues or for media related enquiries, please contact:

WAAPA Marketing Manager
Anton Mazandarani
Telephone: (61 8) 6304 6817


To keep up to date subscribe to our eNews.

Content warnings

Show-specific content warnings and, where relevant, age recommendations are available on individual performance pages. Please note that these are often updated once a show goes into rehearsal.

For the most up-to-date content warnings, please check the specific performance web page closer to performance times.

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