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Dr Joanna Nicholas


Staff Member Details

Joanna is a Lecturer in Dance and Performance Science at the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts.


Joanna is a passionate dance and exercise scientist. Joanna completed her PhD at the University of Western Australia in 2019, her doctoral research sets an empirical foundation for pole dancing as a recreational activity and sport, and spans the areas of psychology, physiology, and injury prevention.

Joanna lectures and conducts research in dance and performance science. She is a member of several research groups including:

  1. Surveillance of Injuries for Research in Circus (SIRC) working group, a group of international researchers leading circus injury research.
  2. Dance Research Collaborative (DaRC), a group of Australian dance researchers interested in dancer wellbeing and dance for wellbeing.
  3. Simulation and Immersive Digital Technology Group at Edith Cowan University.

Joanna has spent over 20 years in the fitness industry including 6 years as the regional head lecturer for the Australian Institute of Fitness (WA). With over 25 years of dance training and conditioning experience, she also fills her passion for teaching as a pole dancing teacher, fitness trainer, and strength and conditioning coach.

Professional associations

  • 2023 to current - Australian Strength and Conditioning Association (Member)
  • 2022 to current - Australian Society for Performing Arts Healthcare (Member)
  • 2019 to present - International Association for Dance Medicine and Science (Arts/Education/Research Professional)
  • 2013 to present - Exercise and Sports Science Australia (Accredited Exercise Scientist)
  • 2008 to 2018 - Fitness Australia (Level 3 Fitness Professional)


  • DAN1410 - Body Knowledge
  • DAN1425 - Integrated Body Practices 1
  • CUAWHS411 - Apply movement and behavioural principles to conditioning
  • CUAWHS413 - Incorporate anatomy principles into skill development
  • CUAWHS511 - Maintain a high level of fitness for performance
  • CUAWHS611 - Apply advanced gym and weight training to dance
  • CUAWHS612 - Develop strategies for maintaining resilience in a competitive environment

Awards and recognition

National and International research positions

  • 2019 to present - International Association for Dance Medicine and Science (member)

National and International awards

  • 2022 - AIIA National iAwards, Merit Awards Not-for-Profit and Community Solution of the Year
  • 2022 - AIIA National iAwards, Finalist Government and Public Sector Solution of the Year
  • 2019 - International Association for Dance Medicine and Science, Student Research Travel Award


  • 2022 - INCITE Awards, Winner Research and Innovation Project of the Year
  • 2022 - INCITE Awards, Merit Award Social Impact Project of the Year
  • 2018 - University of Western Australia, Overseas Travel Award
  • 2017 to 2018 - University of Western Australia, Research Training Program Stipend
  • 2015 to 2018 - University of Western Australia, Bruce and Betty Green Scholarship
  • 2015 to 2016 - University of Western Australia, Australian Postgraduate Award

Research areas and interests

  • Performing arts
  • Dance science
  • Performance science
  • Pole dancing
  • Circus arts
  • Wellbeing
  • Injury prevention
  • Digital UX


  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Western Australia, 2019.
  • Bachelor of Science (Exercise and Health) First Class Hons, The University of Western Australia, 2015.
  • Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, Other WA registered training organisation, 2011.
  • Group Exercise Instructor - Freestyle, Australian Institute of Fitness, 2008.
  • Certificate IV in Fitness, Australian Institute of Fitness, 2007.
  • Certificate III in Fitness (Gym Instructor), Australian Institute of Fitness, 2007.
  • Bachelor of Science (Exercise and Health Science), The University of Western Australia, 2006.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Nicholas, J., Mills, B., Hansen, S., Bright, S., Scott, J., Ridout, I., Watson, J., Boyd, H., Brook, L., Hopper, L. (2023). Sideffect GamePlan: Development of an alcohol and other drug serious game for high school students using a systematic and iterative user-centred game development framework. Computers in Human Behavior, 145(2023), article number 107774.
  • Nicholas, J., Dimmock, JA., Alderson, JA., Donnelly, CJ., Jackson, B. (2023). Exploring the psychological and physiological outcomes of recreational pole dancing: a non-randomised feasibility study. Circus: Arts, Life, and Sciences, 2(2), -.
  • Attwell , C., McKay, A., Sim, M., Dugan , C., Nicholas, J., Hopper, L., Peeling, P. (2023). Timing is everything, but does it really matter? Impact of 8-weeks morning versus evening iron supplementation in ballet and contemporary dancers. European Journal of Sport Science, 23(12), 2275-2282.
  • Norsworthy, C., Dimmock, JA., Nicholas, J., Krause, A., Jackson, B. (2023). Psychological flow training: Feasibility and preliminary efficacy of an educational intervention on flow. International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, 8(3), 531-554.
  • Nicholas, J., Grafenauer, S. (2023). Investigating pre-professional dancer health status and preventative health knowledge. Frontiers in Nutrition, 10(2023), article number 1271362.

Journal Articles

  • Greenspan, S., Munro, D., Nicholas, J., Stubbe, JH., Stuckey, MI., Van Rijn, RM. (2022). Circus-specific extension of the International Olympic Committee consensus statement: methods for recording and reporting of epidemiological data on injury and illness in sport 2020. BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine, 8(3), Article Number e001394.
  • Attwell, C., Dugan, C., McKay, AK., Nicholas, J., Hopper, L., Peeling, P. (2022). Dietary Iron and the Elite Dancer. Nutrients, 14(9), article number 1936.
  • Nicholas, J., Mills, B., Hansen, S., Bright, S., Boyd, H., Brook, L., Watson, J., Hopper, L. (2022). Developing an alcohol and other drug serious game for adolescents: Considerations for improving student engagement. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 46(5), 682-688.
  • Nicholas, J., Weir, G., Alderson, JA., Stubbe, JH., Van Rijn, RM., Dimmock, JA., Jackson, B., Donnelly, CJ. (2022). Incidence, Mechanisms, and Characteristics of Injuries in Pole Dancers: A Prospective Cohort Study. Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 37(3), 151-164.

Creative Arts Research Outputs

  • Hopper, L., Nicholas, J., Watson, J., Brook, L., Hansen, S., Scott, J., Bright, S., Mills, B. (2022). Sideffect Gameplan: A gamified, branching narrative experience for alcohol and other drug education. [Online gamified branching narrative]. ECU Simulation and Immersive Digital Technology Group, Sideffect Australia.

Journal Articles

  • Law, KH., Dimmock, JA., Thornton, AL., Nicholas, J., Ho, G., Gucciardi, DF., Guelfi, KJ., Jackson, B. (2021). ‘They deserve a treat’: the nature and antecedents of parental licensing surrounding children’s physical activity. Public Health Nutrition, 24(8), 2098-2108.
  • Nicholas, J., Ntoumanis, N., Smith, BJ., Quested , E., Stamatakis, E., Thøgersen-Ntoumani, C. (2021). Development and feasibility of a mobile phone application designed to support physically inactive employees to increase walking. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 21(December 2021), Article number 23.


  • Hopper, L., Watson, J., Nicholas, J., Hansen, S., Bright, S., Ridout, I., Cashman, S., Mills, B. (2021). The Development of On line Substance Awareness Educational Content. Australia. Sideffect Australia.

Journal Articles

  • Thøgersen-Ntoumani, C., Quested , E., Smith, B., Nicholas, J., McVeigh, J., Fenton, SA., Stamatakis, E., Parker, S., Pereira, G., Gucciardi, DF., Ntoumanis, N. (2020). Feasibility and preliminary effects of a peer-led motivationally-embellished workplace walking intervention: A pilot cluster randomized trial (the START trial). Contemporary Clinical Trials, 91(April 2020), Article number 105969.

Journal Articles

  • Nicholas, J., McDonald, KA., Peeling, P., Jackson, B., Dimmock, JA., Alderson, JA., Donnelly, CJ. (2019). Pole dancing for fitness: The physiological and metabolic demand of a 60-minute class. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 33(10), 2704-2710.

Journal Articles

  • Nicholas, J., Dimmock, JA., Donnelly, CJ., Alderson, JA., Jackson, B. (2018). “It's our little secret … an in-group, where everyone's in”: Females’ motives for participation in a stigmatized form of physical activity. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 36(May 2018), 104-113.

Journal Articles

  • Staynor, JM., Nicholas, J., Weir, G., Alderson, JA., Donnelly, CJ. (2017). Targeting associated mechanisms of anterior cruciate ligament injury in female community-level athletes. Sports Biomechanics, 16(4), 501-513.

Conference Publications

  • Staynor, JM., Nicholas, J., Weir, G., Alderson, JA., Donnelly, CJ. (2015). The effect of biomechanically focused injury prevention training on reducing anterior cruciate ligament injury risk among female community level athletes. ISBS-Conference Proceedings Archive (475-478). International Society of Biomechanics in Sports.

Research Projects

  • Promoting health literacy and awareness of low energy availability through digital education for the Australian dance community., Edith Cowan University, Early-Mid Career Researcher Grant Scheme 2024 (Stream 2), 2024 ‑ 2025, $39,970.
  • Implementation and pilot evaluation of the Sideffect alcohol and other drug education game, Sideffect Australia, Grant, 2021 ‑ 2023, $191,517.

Research Student Supervision

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Performance health for saxophonists: An investigation into holistic practice and injury prevention
No data available
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