The School Locker stocks uniforms, badges, equipment, textbooks, stationery and merchandise. Visit the store online or at the Joondalup Campus to see the wide-ranging items they sell and check out any specials.
Building 22
270 Joondalup Drive, Joondalup WA 6027
Mobile: 0429 873 140
Opening hours: Monday to Friday
Detailed hours of operation are available on the School Locker website
Students on both Mount Lawley and South West Campus can purchase uniforms, name badges and textbooks online from The School Locker.
If you have any queries regarding your online order, please contact the Joondalup store direct and the staff will be happy to assist.
Students can view their required text list on their unit Canvas page. Unit reading lists are available a couple of weeks prior to the start of semester, however students are encouraged to check their Canvas page regularly for updates before the start of semester.
eBooks are available for purchase online from The School Locker.
eBooks are also available on the ECU Library search. The majority of eBooks allow users to download the relevant chapters they require for the unit.